Keeping in Touch!

I LOVE all forms of social media and do my best to keep up with them all! I especially am honored when a new mom contacts me for advice and wanted to make sure all of my readers know how to reach me. Seriously, ANYTIME I’m happy to help if I possibly can 🙂

The BEST place to reach me is via my Facebook Page. If you haven’t “liked” it yet, you can do that HERE! ( Also be sure to go to where it says “liked” and then make sure “show in notifications” is checked so you will actually SEE all the stuff that gets posted 🙂 

I try to post a link to my blog entry each day on the page and I am always posting up articles, quotes, etc that are of interest to me and that I think others may also enjoy reading!

Also I would LOVE to make my facebook page more interactive! I know so many fellow mamas (and non-mamas!) have blogs…feel free to share a link to YOUR blog ANYTIME on my Facebook Page! It’s a great way to find new readers and to get to know each other!!! If you have a post you think we’d enjoy reading, stick a link up on the page 🙂

The Facebook Page is also the best place to get in touch with me. So leave a comment, a question, whatever! If you leave a comment on the main page hopefully some other mamas can help you too! And feel free to private message me from there as well if what you want to say is more private 😉 I do my best to reply to messages in a timely manner, which is why the facebook page is much quicker for me than emails 🙂  I DO have a personal Facebook Page but due to many reasons, I’m unable to accept friend requests from people who I don’t know in real life. I’m so sorry!

You can also find me on Instagram (journeyofphood), Pinterest (emilysparker), and Twitter (@JourneyofPHood)

And, if you didn’t already know, Google Reader is going away and Blog Lovin’ is where it’s at! Be sure to follow my blog there as well!

Since it’s summer time and I’m doing a lot of traveling I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for guest bloggers. I try to have a post scheduled every day when I’m out of town and it can be tough to get it all done in advance. If you have a blog post you think my readership would enjoy please email it to me at deliasgoddess33 (@) aol (.) com! As long as it’s not spammy or something I’d be happy to share it and I appreciate the help for those times I can’t post myself!

Hope to get to know some of you better through all these social media outlets!!! I LOVE that I’ve made SO many awesome friends through the online world and can’t wait to make more!

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