Goals for 2012

I love having goals! Every New Years since I was young I’ve made a list of goals to try to achieve for that new year. It’s a great way to really look at myself and areas in which I need to improve. It seems like every year the list just gets longer, and this year is no different. Here are the things I’m hoping to achieve in 2012 (of course they are in totally random order)!

  1.  READ the BIBLE both on my own and as a family
  2. Spend smart
  3. Continue having a giving spirit, but don’t let people take advantage of it either
  4. Lose all baby weight and look as good as possible for Casey’s wedding
  5. Raise Brittlynn, to the best of my abilities, like she is a “first born” baby
  6. Use our timeshare trips! 
  7. Even after losing baby weight, continue with Weight Watchers lifestyle
  8. Focus on quality time with Zach, even if it’s just watching tv together at home
  9. Don’t spend so much time “plugged in” especially with my phone – it’s there for my convenience not the callers (or “texters”)
  10. Start walking again and try to do it a couple times a week
  11. Go on a family trip where the kids get to fly in a plane
  12. Put Brittlynn’s schedule second only to worshiping the Lord!
  13. Help Kye to know all of his colors and with letter and number recognition
  14. Have company over more often, host events
  15. Have patience with Kye and focus on spending quality time with him
  16. Manage LLC effectively and keep all bills and such organized
  17. Remember that it’s okay to say no
  18. Support Zach with work and be his biggest cheerleader
  19. Have Kye learn stroke swimming by the end of the year
  20. Blog regularly, do my best to stay current 
  21. Do a better job with brushing Kye’s teeth twice a day and washing his hands after going potty
  22. Choose to be happy each and every day
  23. Be a living example of Christ and His love for us
  24. Take the kids outside to play on a regular basis
  25. Be optimistic, don’t complain
  26. Spend less time focusing on the people in my life that “should” care about me yet don’t and more time focusing on those that don’t have to care yet do
  27. Discipline with love, never anger
  28. Pray multiple times a day and truly have a conversation with God
  29. Don’t lay out in the sun so often and when I do wear sunscreen EVERY time
  30. Breastfeed Brittlynn until her first birthday
  31. Swim more often
  32. Get my skin in the condition I really want it to be in – get melasma handled
  33. Encourage other mothers and be a source of help for them on their parenting journey 
  34. Try my best to stay current on facebook photo uploads
  35. Go visit Dad more often and make more of an effort to stay in touch with him
  36. Take the kids to see snow for the first time
  37. Have special time with each child individually 
  38. Continue to pay down debts
  39. Put Zach’s happiness before my own
  40. Make some dang blog books!!!
  41. Keep my car clean
  42. Get back going with Stella and Dot
  43. Focus on living a full life and making wonderful memories
  44. Be a good friend, especially to those that are such good friends to me!
  45. By the end of the year have the outside of the house complete: stain fence, stone around back, stain porch, plants in back, oak tree in front, front porch done, pool furniture, playground, bench storage, and back porch furniture
  46. Cherish the wonderful moments of motherhood and don’t beat myself up when things don’t go my way
  47. Reach out to people who aren’t baptized believers, especially those closest to me
  48. Do a better job of making sure Kye has vegetables for at least lunch and dinner
  49. Be company ready at all times…with a clean home and presentable appearance
  50. Back up all pictures and important computer files
  51. Keep growing and learning in all areas of life – as a wife, mother, and daughter to God
  52. Try to take the kids somewhere at least once a month so they can be well traveled

I’d love to hear some of your goals for this new year…any big ones??? Any of the same ones I have? I’m SO excited about 2012 and all that we have planned. It’s going to be another wonderful year for the Parker family 🙂

Emily Parker


  1. Ooleybaby
    January 21, 2012 / 8:32 pm

    I love number 26!

  2. Robyn Mullican
    January 22, 2012 / 8:17 pm

    Wow!  These are a lot of goals!  But they're GREAT!  Did you realize that you have one for every week of the year?

  3. anna mccall
    January 23, 2012 / 4:58 am

    Hey Emily!  I've been reading your blog for a while now but have never commented before (mostly because my blog is lame and I don't think its fair for me to know you and you not know me) but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading about your life.  One of my 2012 goals is to start blogging regularly and commenting on the blogs I read.  My daughter was born the day after Kye and my son was born in October so I can really relate to a lot of things you are going through.  You are really inspiring and you have given me tons of ideas and tips with lots of parenting related things, as well as in other areas too.  I loved reading your goals and you inspired me to do my own on my pitiful little blog.  We are working on numbers and letters with Averie too but I taught her – almost by accident – her colors over the summer using, of all things, paint chip samples from Lowes!  It was really easy to do, we were redecorating for the new baby so every time we went to Lowes I let her pick out several paint chips from different color families and we would go through them like flash cards.  It was incredibly easy and painless (she thought we were playing a game) and now she has them down.  Just wanted to maybe give you a tip in return for the many you've given me. Hope you have a wonderful week and I just wanted to thank you for sharing your life with us!Anna

  4. anna mccall
    January 30, 2012 / 2:12 am

    Oh duh – I didn't include my blog!  teamaverie.blogspot.com  It is a work in progress 🙂

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