Easter Eve

On the day before Easter we had a busy day! I was dealing with a LOT of stress around that time and my body wasn’t able to handle it anymore. I felt super sick and woke up with a mega pink eye. I was SO worried it was pink eye so I avoided any makeup all day and tried not to touch it. I ran up to the pharmacy down the street and got some eye drops and they told me that even if it was pink eye that there wasn’t much I could do but wait it out. So wait it out I did 🙂 

Before Britt’s morning nap we started the egg dying process because I wanted her to be included in some of it but we quickly put her in the bed as she def isn’t quite old enough to really participate and she was more interested in throwing the eggs and trying to eat them!

We are simple in our egg decorating: we color with crayons, then dye them, then add stickers!

Ignore my lovely eye…

Waiting patiently!

After we finished up with the eggs we used Britt’s nap time as an opportunity to go ahead and make our Easter treats. With our living life on a budget I didn’t have a lot of grocery money left for the month so I tried to use ingredients we already had in order to make something to take to our neighborhood Easter party as well as to our family Easter celebration. We made Chocolate Egg Nests and it was SO special that Zach participated too. Usually it’s just Kye and I making treats for things 😉 

They turned out SUPER cute and it’s a VERY simple, quick, and inexpensive recipe. You can view the full recipe HERE 🙂 It’s a great one to do with kids too!

After naps we headed down to our neighborhood park for our annual Easter party! Kye was SO excited because a boy from his class, Vaughn, lives in our neighborhood and was at the party. It was so cute to see them run and play together. Our little boy is FOR SURE growing up quick!!! Since Britt had decided to start potty training that weekend (big mega post to come!) and since Zach is not a fan of our neighborhood parties…he stayed home with her and just ran her up in time for the egg hunt and to meet the Easter Bunny!

She had a BLAST hunting eggs!

When the hunt started Kye took off and we struggled to find him!!! He was hardcore about getting the most eggs and came back to us with a basket overfilled!

Attempt at a sibling picture…

This was the first year I didn’t take the kids up to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny. Kelly made such a great point last year that just because it’s something I’ve always done doesn’t mean I have to do it. And that if no one really enjoys a tradition, why do it? I personally think the Easter Bunny is pretty creepy and I didn’t want to spend the money to have the kids sit with him so I was SO glad the neighborhood had the bunny come to the party! It worked out GREAT! And he was super cute!!!

As soon as I walked up with Brittlynn she FREAKED OUT. Like screamed and cried and was panicking haha. I’m SUPER glad we learned that she has that fear. It simply means we need to go to Chick-Fil-A for family night often to get her used to the cow so she will be okay with other characters by the time we take her to Disney next year!

Classic 😉

After the egg hunt Zach took Britt back home (she was only there for like 20 min but she did stay dry and clean and we didn’t want her away from the potty for too long!) and Kye and I stayed to have a picnic. Vaughn was ALL about Kye and it was precious how he wanted to come sit with us and eat with us and wanted to go get all the same food Kye had on his plate. I enjoyed listening to their conversations about the important things in life: food 😉 After we all got done eating we stayed a little longer so the boys could play together before we headed home!

I know the days of “buddy hugging” won’t last forever, but isn’t this so sweet?

It was a fun day for me and the kids and I’m thankful Zach is into egg dying. He confessed that Easter is his least favorite holiday haha which is okay bc it really isn’t much of an “adult” fun time huh? At least I saved us $20 by skipping out on bunny pics this year!!!

Emily Parker

1 Comment

  1. ChelleyN
    May 14, 2013 / 4:46 am

    Dying easter eggs is one of our very favorite family traditions! We never go "meet" the easter bunny because I think they are all kind of creepy. The one in your photos looks a bit more like Peter Rabbit though, so I think I could handle that 🙂

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