Christmas Card Roll Call 2012

Yay! Time for my annual Christmas Card Roll Call post 🙂 I LOVE getting Christmas cards and enjoy scanning them all and having them on the blog so they will also all be in my blog books! All these cards made me smile and I also appreciate the non-photo ones we received from: my sweet niece Julia, The Sedgley family (my brother Ryan and his fam), Bob and Bobbi, Aunt Donna, Aunt Cheryl, My dad and Audrey, and The Rosenbaum Family! We also got a couple of family letters this year which are my FAVS!!! If I didn’t have a blog I would TOTALLY be all about the yearly Christmas letter 😉 We received letters from: Jude Berry and family, Missy and Misha, The Gross Family, The Rosenbaum  Family, and the Copponex Family (you can read their letter here).

I take all the photo cards after I scan them and punch two holes in the them then put them on a couple of metal rings. It makes a fun photo book and is so neat to look through ALL the Christmas Cards we’ve received over the years. Kye thinks it’s a fun game to point to each one and ask “who is that?” haha

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to send us a card. I myself know what a pain Christmas Cards are and it’s nice to know they are appreciated 🙂 Here’s the ones we got this year (if the families have a blog I’m trying to link to their blog pages with their card so you may find a new blog friend out there!). 

The Gross Family – We miss Y’all!

 The Troutmans…such a cute pic of Preston!

 Our sweet friends, The Pool Family…baby #2 coming this month!

 New online friends are fun! Zach constantly looks at the cards and asks the same question Kye does “who are these people?!?!” hahaha

 The Starr Family

 The Muth Family…hoping to meet Aundrea at some point in 2013 😉

 Cutie Christian Clark!

 THIS is THE Lindsay Colson who does all of our family pictures 😉 

 Her card had a front and back 🙂 

 The Flemings! I LOVE how Courtney used pics from our Parker Family Photos!

 The Colson Family

 Love this from the Jones Family!

 Sweet blog friend turned real life friend! The Harner’s!

 Love this two-sided one from Zach’s cousins family…The McAllisters

 Isn’t Colton a DOLL?!?! The Soles Family

 Another blog buddy turned true friend (even though we haven’t met!)…The Ooley Family

 I love that we have a card every year from Liz’s sweet family! 

 This is Kye’s favorite Christmas card…Kailyn’s 😉

 Super excited for them to be welcome daughter #3!

 Another cousin 🙂 Mallory and her boys!

 I love that blogging has helped me become friends with people from my high school who I didn’t even know IN high school haha! Sara also blogs 🙂

 Yes, four girls and two are twins! Megan stays busy for sure ðŸ˜‰

 Danielle’s another front and back one and another friend who is pregnant…no worries I do NOT have baby fever at all ðŸ˜‰

 Missy and Misha

 I ADORE this family picture! Robyn is lookin’ so pretty 🙂 

 These are “my kids” and I cannot get over how old they look now!!! I used to babysit them every day and Kye’s first name is actually Candler after this Candler 😉 I miss them both very much!

 Longtime family friends of the Parker’s…The Pool’s!

 The Malone Family totally wins as my favorite this year. SO awesome!


 Another sweet blog friend with another baby on the way! The Santoro Family

 The Dame Family ALWAYS has such adorable family photos on their cards!

 I LOVE how the McIver’s announced that their baby is going to be a GIRL 🙂 

 The Reiter’s are so creative and I love the entire feel of their two-sided card!

 I adored The Green’s card. Who can ever get tired of looking at their beautiful girls?!?! SO thrilled for them to be bringing another baby into the world this year 🙂 

 Loved how it opened with a picture of Hallie inside and a personal note from them!

Here is our card for the year…I ended up going with Walmart and was pretty happy with them. I LOVE all the fancy brand name cards other people have but we mail out around 200 cards each year…that junk gets expensive plus you have to pay almost 50 cents per card to mail it! I’m gonna stick with the cheapest option I can find…at least until we strike it rich someday 😉 You can see all of our Christmas Card Photos HERE 🙂 

I’ve done this yearly blog post for a couple of years now so you can have fun going back comparing all the cards…2011 is HERE and the ones from 2010 are HERE 🙂

Can’t wait to see all the great cards we’ll receive in 2013! Thanks to everyone who made our holiday a little extra special!

1 Comment

  1. Danielle Eckerle
    February 5, 2013 / 2:56 am

    I love Christmas Cards! We only received a very few this year, but I didn't send any either… this year we are going card crazy. It'll be the first year we don't go home so Christmas cards will be a must. 🙂

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