Christmas at Mom’s {Part 1}

After our mini Christmas stuff at our house we headed to Mom’s for Christmas dinner. I like that we do something on legit Christmas day together and we enjoyed a super yummy meal (she actually made a recipe I’ve made before for pork and omg sooo yummy!). Mom bought this outfit for Brittlynn before she was born so I wanted to get a couple pictures of her in it!

Socks Dad and Audrey got for her

Kye wanted a picture with her too, like I’d ever turn that down ๐Ÿ™‚

Mom has collected Department 56 Snowvillage forever. As a kid I LOVED helping her set it all up and enjoyed going shopping for her newest pieces. I’m beyond excited that Kye is old enough to appreciate the collection and now he has taken over the duties of helping to set it up. She has well over 20 houses and buildings…enough to where Zach suggested making a big display table for her to use every year. It’s SO neat and something I adore. I’m glad she has started to put it out again, I’ve missed it and Kye really enjoyed it!

That morning I got up early to get ready and run to McDonald’s for an ice coffee to help perk me up a bit (still exhausted from the days before…having a three week old will do that to you haha) while Zach got ready and got Britt ready. Once Kye woke up we went over to Mom’s to all come out together to see if “Santa” came (Santa only comes on the 24th but he brings some of Kye’s presents to Gramma’s to open on the 26th). We love to do a surprise face pic when we come out…I love how Brittlynn participated, she looks shocked at all the presents!!!

Here is Kye opening his second round of gifts from Santa (here’s the video of the action)

He got the choo choo and choo choo track he was hoping for (Sadly, Santa failed on this one…it didn’t work…so Mommy and Daddy are getting a much better replacement as a birthday present)

Pro present opener

tool bench so he can work like Daddy!

You may remember from years past that we always do Tacky PJ’s with my mom. The tradition started when Zach joined the family and we LOVE it. We draw names at Thanksgiving and exchange the pjs on the 24th (we all hold the tacky pj gift we bought then on the count of three we hand them at the same time to whoever’s name we drew super fun!). We HAVE to wear whatever the person bought us the entire time we open presents (which is pretty much ALL day). This year Brandon and Chrissy weren’t with us but we decided to do it anyway, it’s too fun to skip out on! It may seem silly since Zach and I have to buy four sets of PJS but it’s totally worth it! Zach bought for the name he drew as well as the name Brittlynn drew and I bought for my name and Kye’s. 

Brittlynn got Kye’s name and “she” bought him this:

It’s tacky b/c it’s totally not something I’d ever buy the kid…the shirt says “This is What Cool Looks Like” The slippers aren’t super tacky but Kye really liked them!

“Kye” drew Zach’s name…

Western pjs with a rockin’ pink cowboy hat ๐Ÿ˜‰

Zach drew Britt’s name…technically this isn’t tacky. It was a gift from a sweet family member who had it thoughtfully made for her since she’s a Christmas baby. Unfortunately it’s a little too big for her…

It’s a sack thing so if we cut the bottom of it maybe she can wear it in a couple years ๐Ÿ™‚

Mom got my name – I LOVED my fun Elf outfit ๐Ÿ˜‰

And I drew Mom’s name…yes, it’s a one piece pj outfit with bunny footies. Awesome ๐Ÿ˜‰

There were SO many pictures from Christmas at Mom’s that I’m dividing it up into two posts ๐Ÿ™‚ If you want to see our tacky pjs from years past…here is 2008’s, here is 2009’s, and here is 2010’s!


  1. Kim Harner
    January 17, 2012 / 1:02 pm

    Ha! I LOVE the Elf Outfit! You rock it well! At the beginning when you showed everyone looking shocked at the presents I noticed yours and was wondering what in the heck you were wearing! LOL! But now I know the story it's cute and hilarious! The idea of tacky pj's is awesome! I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad ya'll had a Merry even though extremely busy Christmas!ย 

  2. Brandy Wilkes
    January 19, 2012 / 8:08 pm

    Yours and Zach's PJs made me laugh out loud.ย  I think the expressions didn't help them ๐Ÿ˜‰

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