Cape May Breakfast

We love character dining! The #1 place I recommend to everyone all the time is Chef Mickey’s but this visit we thought we’d mix it up and try something new. Since Tess and Carter are at ages where they can get freaked out a little easily I heard that Cape May was a more chill environment than Chef Mickey’s. I felt like it may result in the toddlers being more comfortable, having more fun, and interacting better with the characters! 

Cape May is basically the exact same breakfast food as Chef Mickey’s. It’s located in Disney’s Beach Club Resort which has a vibe that I ADORE. Zach and I visited there for lunch on our solo trip last year and just loved it! 

While Cape May does have less characters than Chef Mickey’s (Cape May has Goofy, Donald and Minnie and Chef Mickey’s has those same three as well as Mickey and Pluto) they interact a lot more and it just was a very, very relaxed environment. Don’t get me wrong, we still love Chef Mickey’s but if you are wanting a less crazy, less loud, less crowded experience then Cape May is for you! 

It was so chill, in fact, that all the characters came to visit with us twice. So what would normally be picture overload post…is now doubly overloaded 🙂 But still scroll on through b/c my absolute favorite picture of my family to date is at the end! ha!

First up: Goofy!

Tess was. not. having. it. 

(Which zero percent surprised me…she’s my most “shy” child of the three)

Carter did awesome! He was SO cute and I bet Casey and Jordan got some adorable pics!

This was our first time ever doing character signatures. I’ve always avoided it b/c I feel like it takes away from the interaction time, but the kids were PUMPED about it, especially Kye. We got tear-out note card notebooks to use (and a retractable sharpie) so we can put the signatures in their Disney Scrapbooks 🙂 I think this pic is so precious b/c Kye is SO proud of that signature! 

Mickey Waffle Fans for LIFE!

First Mickey Waffle!

A child after her mama’s heart…carb LOVER

I really wanted to get fun character outfits for the kids. I hunted and hunted for Donald and Goofy stuff and it was tough to find! I ended up getting both Kye’s and Britt’s from Amazon and love how everything ended up flowing together. Tess’s was from Zulily and I probably overpaid for it but it was her first legit Disney experience and it was SO cute 🙂 

Britt’s favorite…DONALD!

Casey lucked out with the timing of this trip…really she lucked out on a LOT this year in regards to her birthday!!! She lived it UP big time! Everyone sang Happy Birthday to her and brought out a cupcake as well as a birthday card with signatures! We’ve had birthdays at Chef Mickey’s too and they also sing (and everyone spins their napkins in the air) and they do the cupcake but I LOVED the card she got at Cape May! Super special!

Jordan hahaha

These moments make every penny worth it!

Tess’s face is a look of pure horror hahaha

I LOVE all these pics and the memories with them of course but they also make some awesome “before” pics for me. I was still nursing at this time and didn’t start getting hardcore about losing my weight until after I weaned. Spoiler alert but I’ve been doing the 24 Day Challenge as well as a ton of the trim line from Advocare and I’m currently down 11 lbs from when this pic was taken and down 3 pants sizes! Whoop whoop!

Characters are all always so fun but even when you have your favorites, you never know how the interactions will go. I know last time we did Chef Mickey’s we were so disappointed with Minnie. Well she more than made up for it this time! She was AWESOME. Carter (and Jordan! Ha!) especially loved her. Carter was obsessed with Tess’s plastic toy Minnie over the weekend and I think that helped him be so interested in the real deal Minnie. It was precious! I’m so honored that we got to be part of such a special moment 🙂

Tess liked Minnie the best too!

Casey’s birthday card!

Round two of character meetings!

I love their beach ware but doesn’t it feel like Goofy needs some sort of accessory on his face or head? Like a beach hat or even some googles propped up on his head or something?!?!

Of course Britt was adorable with Donald. And seeing Carter and Tess love Minnie Mouse was precious. But man Kye with Goofy was my fav this time around. Zach and I both are outgoing and have the “never meet a stranger” type personalities. So you know our kids are talkers too. Kye will sometimes get on this kick where he tells some loooong story and takes fooooreeeever to get it all out. Goofy was SO hilarious listening to him and was so patient! Britt and Carter had grabbed Goofy’s nose and said something about how squishy it was and that reminded Kye of some Mickey’s Christmas Movie we have where it goes into details about Goofy’s nose. He explained the entire thing to us haha!


Tess was content to just eat and watch from afar 😉

Britt was all about the pastries and my cereal man Kye was all about the “colored cereal”

I’ve had a lot of people comment before about how Zach and I get down with our kids for pics. I LOVED that some of the characters did that too! I like to get down on their level and I think it makes for the best pictures 🙂 

As everyone knows, these characters don’t talk. Well I got Minnie to LEGIT laugh! We were trying to get a cute pic and Zach was making noises to get Tess to look and smile and I said “bark like a dog or something” and that just got Minnie going and she totally laughed out loud! It was like on SNL when they start laughing during a sketch, it was pretty awesome 😉

My girls!

I do nottttt think Tess is a Donald fan haha

I love this and how both babies are touching him!

Goodbye Donald!

My little Minnie had a blast at her first character meal!!!

These two together make my heart happy!

Kye came over and said “I haven’t gotten enough time with My Tessie!” He’s the BEST big brother!

Before leaving we wanted to check out the resort a little bit. This one is on my list of places I’d like to stay sometime. It’s BEAUTIFUL and just very “ME” as I love some beachiness! 

It is SO hard to get good pics of our whole family together. I keep telling Casey I owe her BIG TIME for snapping these for me!

Probably legit my favorite family picture ever! I for real have it on my mouse pad at my desk as well as my lock screen on my phone. It makes me smile EVERY TIME 🙂

I mean it was just a moment for awesome pics…I think these are my favorites of the Bacon family too!!!

Can you even?!??!

Trying out the selfie stick for a group pic!


Jordan and Casey have always just truly LOVED their nieces and nephews! In a way that you just don’t see or experience very often. It’s truly so sweet and even though they are parents now, they still share those special bonds. Britt is convinced she will marry Uncle Jordan (I’m def praying she finds a man as wonderful as he is for her husband!) and just adores him. It’s so sweet and I wanted to make sure to get some pics of just the two of them together on this trip! 

Of course we were on a hidden Mickey hunt! I think this was mine and Kye’s favorite in the rug in the lobby on our way out! 

It was SUCH a great morning! It couldn’t have gone more perfectly!!! I will also add that this was our first trip using Disney Gift Cards. I’ve learned that you can buy the gift cards through Target or Sams and get them at a discount so it really saves money! It was weird paying with gift cards for everything but it also was kinda awesome b/c it felt like everything was free haha!

Emily Parker

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