Britt’s Two Year Photos: Kids

I know today is Friday and I’m officially 10 weeks pregnant and should be doing my weekly pregnancy post. But it’s still Christmas break. So that means I’m still in pjs at 1:30 and haven’t taken my weekly picture yet…I will be doing the post tomorrow instead ๐Ÿ™‚ So you have an extra day to enter the giveaway for the belly stickers!!!

This year we had our pictures done for Britt’s birthday plenty early. Her birthday isn’t until Dec 6th but we got her two year pics done on Nov 19th. I wanted to make sure to have time to use them for her party invites and to be able to use them for our Christmas Card. It worked out so perfectly…it happened to also fall on the day after I found out I was pregnant! I’m SO thankful we decided to share our news with Lindsay and that she helped me make my ideas for our pregnancy announcement a reality ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I was very excited about this particular photo shoot! We used Captured by Colson (which should come as NO surprise at this point!) and I was pumped that Britt is older now. Like old enough to bribe for pictures ๐Ÿ˜‰ Bringing along some fruit snacks really helped us out! I was also excited about all of our outfits for these photos. Stacy, yes my midwife, does an awesome job with sewing and she created an amazing dress for Britt to wear! Like last year I wanted her to have a cute dress that she could wear for her photos as well as for her party. I don’t spend a lot of money on kid’s clothing. I never get anything made for Britt and I think it’s a fun tradition to get her a speciality made dress for her birthday each year!!! I love, love, love how this one turned out and am so thankful to Stacy for doing such an awesome job! She doesn’t have a website (I told her she should at least make a Facebook page!) but if anyone wants her contact info let me know and I’d be happy to pass it along ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I took swatches from Britt’s dress all over town with me hunting down items to match the exact color and I think we all ended up being very well coordinated!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ We also decided to do the pics at Drexel Park. It’s near the college and is actually where I did some of my bridal pictures. 

Obviously since it was Britt’s birthday photo shoot my main focus was on getting good shots of her. I think Lindsay got some of the best ever of our pretty girl!!!

I can’t pick a favorite between this one 

And this one!

For some reason when she makes this face I think of Popeye? haha

This was one of those magical shots. Lindsay literally stuck the camera over the side of the bridge and snapped it without even being able to look through it!!! How awesome is this?

I know it’s not good of Zach but I LOVE how happy Britt is ๐Ÿ™‚

BRIBERY!!! I know a lot of people are against it but for photos…it works! We told her she could have a treat (fruit snack) for smiling. I think we went through only one pack of snacks for both her and Kye and it helped BIG TIME. It also made for some pretty funny Britt smiles haha

I love this!

I love that Lindsay is ALL about taking a lot of pictures of everyone! It was a great chance to capture some of Kye! His shirt is from Carter’s and I thought it was great for a winter photo shoot and we kinda picked the location for the pictures based on his shirt. I mean a moose wouldn’t have fit in just anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Cheesing it up!

My favorite smile ๐Ÿ˜‰

I LOVE having pics of my babies together!!! I seriously kept thinking the whole time how I better enjoy how easy it is now…b/c when Leo comes it’s gonna get tricky again ๐Ÿ˜‰

Britt’s mega fake smile ๐Ÿ˜‰

Another awesome one that just catches them in their natural selves!

Lindsay said she enjoyed this shoot with us the most because of how casual it was and relaxed it was. I did feel SO relaxed and just like I wanted to enjoy the process. We’ve had some bad weather that caused us to rush, a young baby on a schedule that made time limited, and a newborn who had to nurse mid-shoot haha We def haven’t always had the most relaxing experiences. I guess it’s another benefit of the kids being older…I think we ALL had a FUN time and it made for some awesome images!!!

After we finished up with the “birthday outfits” we changed clothes (yes, in the street haha) so we could take our Christmas photos. My FAVORITE thing about having a December baby is that it allows me to get professional photos for our Christmas Card each year ๐Ÿ™‚ I LOVE it!!! 

Earlier this year I found this adorable gold GAP dress at a kids sale, brand new with tags for only $4!!! I snatched it up and saved it for these pictures! I found her shoes on Zulily (as well as the gray boots she’s wearing in the earlier pictures) and the tights from Old Navy. I LOVE Kye’s outfit as well. I saw the vest on Target on clearance and ordered Zach and Kye matching gold ties from solid color neckties!  My dress is from Old Navy (as is my jewelry from the earlier pics…the sweater in those pics is TJMaxx). 

Playing while we all changed clothes!

We got our family photos done first (post to come) and saved the pregnancy announcement ones for the end. Luckily Lindsay had a little chalkboard with her and she has WAY better handwriting than I do haha! 

Britt looks thrilled about being a big sister huh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

This is the one I used ๐Ÿ™‚

Handsome boy!!!

I love love love this ๐Ÿ™‚

My favorite of Kye from the day!

Kye was in a BIG time Mommy mood. He wanted to be with me the whole time and next to me in every picture!

I kept Britt busy so Zach and Kye could take their announcement pics!

I’m SO glad Zach had her take these shots of him with Kye!!! They turned out so awesome!

My sweet babies…I’m truly blessed ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m posting up our family pictures from the day in the next post ๐Ÿ™‚ Didn’t these turn out awesome? I’d love to hear favorites! I have a massive stack I got printed off and have to decide where to put them on display in the house ๐Ÿ™‚ 

You can look back at Britt’s 1 year pics HERE!!! I cannot get over how much she’s changed in just a year…and all her hair that she has now ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Robyn Mullican
    January 3, 2014 / 9:39 pm

    I LOVE these!! Lindsay did an amazing job!! And Kye is just SO HANDSOME!!

  2. Jordyn
    January 4, 2014 / 6:46 am

    These are all such amazing photos. My absolute favorite ones are the one with Kye and Zach as well as the one where it looks like you are swinging Britt (I just love her smile and the way she is looking at you); and lastly the one where both Kye and Britt are seen through the bridge (it looks so natural). Good luck choosing.

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