Book Winner!

Here are all the comments entered to win the book with their comment number (it’s in backwards order):


Bree Reid 13 hours ago

Hey! Im a follower and my favorite books are any of Nicholas Sparks books because many of them have turned into movies. I love the The Notebook, Last Song, his new one but not a movie yet “Safe Haven” was GREAT! I want to read “Water for Elephants” but just haven’t purchased it I was waiting closer to summer for an On the Beach read! Thanks for the opportunity!

Kari Oldfield 19 hours ago

I am a follower as The Dollar Chaser and my least favorite book turned in to a movie is Twilight. The movies are great but the books are SO much better!

sara n 2 days ago

I am a follower of your blog! I loved reading Stieg Larsson’s book series-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who played with fire, and the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest. Once I started reading them I couldn’t put them down. However, I was so disappointed in the movies. They didn’t even compare with the books!! The movies left out so much information..If I hadn’t of already read the books I would of been confused on what was actually taking place!

W Sclark 2 days ago

I’m a follower and my favorite book that was turned into a movie was Gone With the Wind.

Miss Becca 2 days ago

I’m following! =) I would have to say that I was highly disappointed with “My Sister’s Keeper” since it strayed far from what actually happened in the book. I’m also a big fan of the Harry Potter books and I think for the most part they matched the books to the films well =)

LindsayColson 2 days ago

ok, I’m an official follower…and I love to read also. One of my favorite authors is Jodi Picoult, which you said that My Sisters Keeper was one of the worst books to movies of all time. I agree completely. The other worst one I can think of is another one of her books, The Pact. It is one of my top 5 books ever, but was turned into a Lifetime movie and was AWFUL!!! I was sooo ticked off. Not as much as with My Sisters Keeper (my sis-in-law sat in the theater jaw-dropped while all these other people went out sniffling. I wanted to shake my fist and yell at the screen then tell all the people what REALLY happened in the book. Ugh. Total disappointment. Ok, vent over, haha). On another note, the Time Travelers Wife was a pretty good match up as I think you’ve discussed before also… great minds think alike!

alexandra_digiorgio 3 days ago

I’m a follower via GF (lexacd) and one of my favorite books turned movie is Into the Wild. Crazy. Very thought provoking. I’m hoping to read Water for Elephants soon so I can see the movie! It looks great!

Stephanie 4 days ago

I am a follower and my favorite book turned movie is Harry Potter: The Sorcerer’s Stone. It’s just magical, ya know? I think they did a masterful job with the film, too. J.K. Rowling is really creative!

Forddygirl 4 days ago

oooo… i’m always up for a good book! My favorite books turned into movies are the Lord of the Rings b/c they are so detailed and are filmed in beautiful New Zealand which i’m dying to see in person, one day! 🙂

Lisa 4 days ago

I’m a follower and I would love to win this book! I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time! My least favorite book that was turned into a movie is Confessions of a Shopaholic. I loved the book. Hated the movie.

Sarah Varian 4 days ago

i’m so excited about your book giveaway! i’ve recently had a lot of time, and some lonely afternoons that i’ve filled up with reading ever since moving out here to louisiana.. i have been on this kick where i’m reading books of some of my favorite movies… first i read “revolutionary road”, which was fabulous, because it was word for word the same as the movie.. and i love that. next i tried to read “julie & julia”, but i couldn’t get into it! kind of disappointing.. so i switched to “the time travelers wife” which was WONDERFUL. it was so descriptive, and had so much more going on in the book that they didn’t even TOUCH on in the movie. i’m glad i read it after, otherwise i would have been mad they left stuff out!! now i’m trying to read “eat, pray, love”.. but i cant really get into it either :/ weird for me because i loved it and “julie & julia”, and cooking is my passion! maybe i liked the movies better because i actually SAW the food on the big screen haha.. anyway.. i havent seen “water for elephants yet”, but i’m all about the hype! i read all the “harry potter” and “twilight” books BEFORE the movies.. had to have my own imagination at work, instead of the movie playing out in my head. one of my favorite things about reading the books before (or after) is i can actually appreciate the actors motivation, and i know what is going on inside their heads. so often movies leave out the underlying issue. it opens your mind to what the characters are thinking, rather than just a look on their face, or dramatic music in a scene. i dont know if this exactly fits the giveaway instructions haha i kind of just wrote a novel of a comment.. but i would LOVE to read “water for elephants” before i see the movie! whatever you do, dont give away the ending 😉


Amanda Phillips 5 days ago

Keith and I went to the movies to see “Lincoln Lawyer” for our anniversary and it was SO good! I’m a HUGE Twilight fan but the movies aren’t half as good as the books so that was my least favorite book turned into a movie. I also read “The Nanny Diaries” and “The Devil Wears Prada” when they were first published and loved the books but wasn’t a fan of the movies. Maybe I just prefer reading. :o)

I’m a follower so I’d love to be entered because “Water for Elephants” is the next book on my list after Angie Smith’s “I will carry you”. I’ve always wanted to start a book club among my friends but none of them enjoy reading as much as I do. Maybe I need to find an online book club blog. generated the winner as comment #7!!! Congrats Lindsay!!!

I really enjoyed reading all of your thoughts on books you love that have been turned into movies and I’ve added a couple to my list of books to read 🙂 Can’t wait to hear what Lindsay thinks of Water for Elephants! I’ll be doing another book giveaway soon!

Emily Parker

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