Blog Lovin’ Week!

I have always LOVED to read other people’s blogs. Heck, reading blogs is what got me started on writing my own! I think blogging is SO awesome. It’s a great way to record moments in life so you can have them saved forever. It’s like your own little personal journal but it includes pictures and other people can read it πŸ˜‰ 

I encourage EVERYONE to start up a blog! I truly love it so, so much and think it is a wonderful hobby that many people can also enjoy doing!

As my own blog has grown and has had more of a following, I’ve had less time to read other people’s. I spend so much time on keeping up with mine that it’s hard to keep up with everyone else! As mine has grown, I’ve also started to spend more time responding to reader questions and other type of things rather than JUST writing my blog all the time. I LOVE doing that and helping others, but it does take away from the time I can spend encouraging my blogging friends out their with their own blogs.

I was thinking about this last night and I got inspired! With Valentine’s Day being next week…why not spread the love??? My blog is getting roughly 2500 hits a day at this point. If people are reading my blog then they would probably also enjoy reading the blogs of my friends or of other blog readers of mine! Why not dedicate Valentine’s Day week as a week to spread some Blog Lovin’ around???

Here’s how it’s going to work…ANYONE who wants to can email me a guest blog post. You can write the post on any topic you wish. Maybe just a “get to know me” type post where you introduce yourself, tell about your blog, etc. Maybe a certain topic that interests you. Maybe something that fits the theme of your blog (Got a recipe blog? Maybe you could post your favorite recipe! Got an organization blog? Maybe you can post some good tips for getting organized). It’s truly up to YOU. Anything you want to write about!!! If you have a business, feel free to talk about that in your post too! Free advertising πŸ™‚ Obviously, if it’s something offensive or inappropriate I won’t post it (if you have some porn blog or something don’t bother submitting it to me haha), but I don’t see that happening. I know my readers and y’all are all an awesome bunch and I can’t WAIT to see what you have to offer!!!

I would recommend including pictures with your post if possible! Pictures really add so much to the content πŸ™‚ 

Interested? Here is how to get your post featured:

1. Type up your post like you normally would into blogger. Then copy the text you write and paste it into an email. This way when I get it I can easily copy it and create a new blog post on my blog and paste it into the post. If you write it in the email itself or attach it to the email using some other program, I can’t promise you that I’ll be able to post it!

2. Attach any pictures you’d like included in the post

3. Include your full blog site address at the top of the post along with a title for your post

4. Email it to me at by SUNDAY FEB 10th 11 PM anything received after that may not be featured. I know it’s a short turn around time but it’s just a quick, simple post. Don’t over think it!

5. I will feature EVERYONE that emails me by then, as long as you follow the above criteria πŸ™‚ Depending on how many I get it may be a week long thing, there may be multiple posts per day, or heck if I only get one person then it may only be a one day event haha!

6. If I feature your blog then I ask for you to PLEASE visit the other blogs I’ll also be featuring! Spread the love, make some new friends, encourage and uplift each other πŸ™‚

7. I will share each blog post on my facebook page as well as my twitter account so I will be attracting as many people as possible to your post. This is a GREAT way to gain new readership! 

I know I’ve seen other blog require people to do something in order to be featured…this isn’t that kind of thing. I feel guilty that I haven’t had the time to support many of my personal blog friends the way I’d like to and I also APPRECIATE all of YOU soooo much and want to do this as a small way to give back πŸ™‚ I don’t require anything of you at all to be featured, just keep reading along and being awesome like you are and we’re even πŸ˜‰

Can’t WAIT to see the emails coming my way and I’m excited to see the great things to come for those of you who decide to write a post!!! Happy Friday!

Emily Parker


  1. Anna & Kirby King
    February 8, 2013 / 10:35 pm

    Great idea!! I'm glad it's the weekend…I'll start my post tomorrow!

  2. ahadamc
    February 14, 2013 / 9:10 am

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