Big Boy Food

After Kye did so awesome eating the apple slices at Robyn’s house I decided to start cutting up his food into bigger pieces. When Zach and I first did the baby lead weaning stuff Kye choked once on a piece of cantaloupe. Zach flipped out and literally attempted to jerk Kye out of his high chair while strapped in. Lesson learned? We cut up all his food super tiny AND no longer strap him in the high chair 🙂 Since then Zach has always been nervous about Kye choking again but it really is time for him to start handling bigger pieces. And I think it ups the enjoyment of the food for him too! Here’s some of his first non-tiny-cut-up food experiences:

peach slices

loves eating like a “big boy”

smelling the new lunch box muffin recipe I made (recipe to come on sister blog soon!)

Where’s Kye?

not too sure about those muffins…


we couldn’t resist letting him try out a donut, we’re such bad parents 😉

“if I don’t look at her she won’t realize I’m eating this”

“I have a donut and youuu donnnn’t”

cutest powdered nose 😉

Emily Parker

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