BFBN Week Day 2!

Today is the second day of Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! You can see the schedule of bloggers for the week:

  • Monday: Valerie, Chronicles of a Babywise Mom
  • Tuesday: Maureen, Childwise Chat
  • Wednesday: Claire, My Devising and Elaine, Faithfully Infertile
  • Thursday: Emily, Journey of Parenthood 
  • Friday: Rachel, A Mother Far From Home
  • The spotlight blogger today is Maureen from Childwise Chat. All of us are basing our posts this week on the theme of “the child joins the family” rather than the family revolving around the child. I love this from her post:  It may seem backwards, but putting the child second is actually putting him first One of my personal goals as a parent is to always be mindful of putting my husband before my children. I strive for this goal not only to keep our marriage strong, but also to benefit our children! Read more about this topic over on Childwise Chat today and be sure to visit all the other bloggers this week! 

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