Susi’s Graduation

Zach and I both value family and try to be at all the big events that we can be. I’ve known about Susi’s graduation for awhile now so we made sure to save the weekend to be able to be down there to celebrate with her! I actually went to her high school, Satellite High, for my freshman year and while I don’t have the best memories there (it was a ROUGH year for me) it was still neat to go back and visit especially since they’ve totally redone the entire school. It’s also the high school where my mom and brother graduated from!

with Sabrina

We expected to be dying from the heat like we were for Brandon’s graduation a couple years ago but instead we were all actually COLD! We had a good time in the stands though making jokes and being silly. Zach and Sabrina even played a good game of “I Spy.” When they asked for all the parents of the graduates to stand up for applause Zach stood up and told me to as well so I did and it was pretty funny seeing the looks of the people around us including a college kid sitting next to me. I laughed when we sat down and he said to me “whew, I was really confused for a second.” haha. Gotta love Zach bringing some fun into everything!

We were pretty pumped to embarrass Susi somehow during the ceremony! She’s not one to really enjoy attention and it was a day all about her so we needed to make sure she got the attention she deserved. When they called her name on the stage we all cheered SUPER loud then Zach stood up after everyone got quiet and yelled “PLEASE GOD MARRY ME!!!” It was pretty hilarious. While Susi said she couldn’t understand what he had said she could hear him and the people in the crowd could all understand him. A lady even found us on the field and asked Zach if she said yes or not! It was pretty funny!

isn’t she SO pretty???

officially a grad!

After the ceremony (Mom kept Kye for us as the ceremony didn’t even start until 7) we all headed back to Grammie and Pop-Pop’s (they aren’t actually related to me, they are my cousins grandparents on their other side of the family but we consider them family too!) and hung out and ate pizza. I got to catch up with Liz and Jason which was great and even got to spend a little time with Jonathan who I haven’t seen in AGES. I really love all my cousins and I’m so blessed to have such an awesome family. We ALL have a great time together and while I wish everyone could have been at the graduation but we still had a blast just telling stories and being together.

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Lauri, and Susi

ugh I look pregnant in this!

I’m so glad Zach and I were able to go down for the big event. We have so many cousins in my family that we all kinda pair up with the ones close to our age (I always had Meghan and Jonathan, Brandon always was tight with Jason and Ben) and poor Susi was one of us who didn’t have a person her age to “pair” with. I always feel for her because of that and when Zach joined the family he felt an instant bond with her. At all events he always hangs out with her and I love that about him! He just jumps right in 🙂 As Susi has gotten older we’re all getting closer with her and I enjoy our time together.

enjoying our pizza and cake

Susi brought her NEW boyfriend to the party and it was his FIRST time meeting everyone…poor kid! I thought this picture was HILARIOUS of him peaking through the flowers, he was such a good sport!

Zach having to decipher his card for her due to his bad handwriting and spelling

having a great time together as always

Emily Parker

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