Carter’s Birth!

Warning: Picture overload post 🙂

The first week of June was a crazy one! It started off with Casey being admitted to the hospital the same morning as her baby shower. Then I had pre-labor like symptoms so was placed on bed rest. Mrs. Charlotte offered to keep the kids at her house for the night of Tuesday June 3rd so I would be able to sleep in on Wednesday the 4th and get plenty of legit rest (bed rest is impossible with two kids!). 

Zach and I were NOT happy to hear our phone ring at 7:00 am that Wednesday morning. It was our sleep in morning!!! As soon as Zach answered he said “Casey is at the hospital and is 4 cm!” Of course we jumped out of bed! Zach rushed to call the hotel we had booked for that coming weekend so we could cancel and I hurried to get ready and figure out what to do about my kids! 

We assumed we had plenty of time. I mean it’s her first baby. She was only 4 cm! It could be an all day thing. We didn’t stress and Zach went ahead and ran to the walk-in clinic to get his TDap vaccine. and had plans to get a hair cut if possible before coming to the hospital. I had Robyn getting her plans together to come help that afternoon as I figured it’d be nap time when it was time for me to go to the hospital. Um. I was wrong!

Mrs. Charlotte called back pretty quickly…like an hour later and when I answered she said “10 cm and pushing!!!” Um. WHAT?!?!?! Thank the LORD we had just that week tried out a babysitter we know from church and she was able to race over. Zach’s Aunt Cheryl brought our kids from Mrs. Charlotte’s house and I was a frazzled mess racing up to the hospital as fast I could!!! I have been looking forward to this day for SO LONG and couldn’t WAIT to be part of the whole experience!!!

By the time I got there Carter was already born! Thankfully I made it in time to enter the room with the rest of the family and Zach got there soon after I did so he didn’t miss much. I cannot BELIEVE how fast she had him!!! Her water had broken in the night and her labor total was under 7 hours! How awesome is that?!?! Girl better be READY for that second one! And again it made us all so thankful she did NOT let them induce her during her hospital stay over the weekend! I don’t even think Casey broke a sweat during the whole experience 😉 

I also got lucky and ran into my favorite labor and delivery nurse while I was there! It meant so much to me that she remembered me and said she’s hopeful she’ll be there for Leo here soon! She even remembered the room numbers where I gave birth to my precious babies…I mean I don’t even know that 😉 I also talked with the nurse Casey had who was AWESOME too! I def appreciated the chance to get to know as many of the nurses as possible b/c we all know it’s the nurses that MAKE or break the delivery experience. Casey was truly so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people! I’m hoping she passes some of that luck my way 😉

Carter James Bacon entered the world on Wednesday June 4th at around 8:40 am. He was 8 lbs 1 oz and 19.5 inches long and truly the most perfect little newborn!!!

I tried to take as many pictures as I possibly could. I know it’s one of those crazy times as a parent and you don’t realize how much you will truly cherish those first photos 🙂

First Family Photo!!!

Casey was a NATURAL mom right from the start!

He obviously didn’t make it to the hair cut appointment haha

Best Friends!

It’s foggy for me to remember Zach in his first moments as a father because I, naturally, was in my own crazy haze. So I loved being able to watch Casey and Jordan in those first days as parents. It was so special and I probably cried like 10 times haha. Jordan was PRECIOUS and my love for him and Casey only multiplied when the added Carter to their lives!

I’ve never been so excited and in love with a baby other than my own 🙂

Didn’t her hospital gown turn out cute? Thanks again to Francie Beth Boutique!

We were in the room with Casey when she breastfed and it meant THE WORLD to me that she asked me to help her. I am really big about not overstepping or butting in and try really hard not to give a bunch of advice unless asked, so for her to specifically ask me to come over and advice her on what to do really made me feel so special 🙂 She did AWESOME. Seriously! Blew me away! He had a great first feeding and then we all left so she could get ready to move to her postpartum room and so we could go see Carter get his first bath! It’s another thing as the mom that I always miss out on so I was def not going to miss it with Carter 🙂

Look at that pout face!!!

Proud Aunt and Uncle!!!

I’m truly so, so appreciative of everyone who stepped up to help take care of Kye and Britt so I could be at the hospital as long as possible that day. It all worked out well where the sitter stayed until Robyn could relieve her and then Jolee went and relieved Robyn! Zach had to drive to Moultrie for an MRI appointment (post to come…) so he still kept the appointment and I was able to just be the proud aunt for the day! I was having a good bit of contractions/cramping still and did my best to rest while in the hospital and drank a lot of water 🙂 I did end up calling up to my dr and they said just to try to take it easy…I def didn’t want our cute cousins sharing the same birthday haha!

Being that everything happened SO FAST Jordan’s parents weren’t able to make it in time to meet Carter right after birth. They live up near Atlanta so it took them a bit to get there. Really though it worked out awesome because they were there when it was all settled down and they could REALLY get lots of attention with their first grandchild! I totally cried seeing their love and excitement 🙂 They are both such great people and I have been blessed by getting to know them over the years. I’m so glad I was able to be there to witness such a special moment!

Leading up to Carter’s birth I was REALLY hoping I’d get to witness Jordan’s first diaper change. I remember when Britt was born how awkward Jordan was with her and I knew he’d be so cute as a first time dad. I lucked out and got to be there for the first changing and he did so great. He is so attentive and really wants to make sure to do everything just right! It may have taken him a little while, and some help from a nurse, but he did it and has become quite the pro now 😉

Pro Dad!

The new family all did SO great right from the start! Carter and Casey got in a wonderful rhythm with breastfeeding and I just couldn’t get over how well she handled everything. Girl was up and out of that bed within hours of giving birth! I was truly in awe of her. I told her she seemed like a second time mom! I was able to spend a good bit of time up at the hospital with them during their stay and I’m so thankful for that opportunity. Carter only gets cuter and cuter (and looks more like his daddy!!!).

I even ran into Robyn while she was up there visiting!

I had seen on Pinterest the idea to buy the board book version of On The Night You Were Born then have everyone sign it at the hospital. I love stuff like that so, of course, I got it for Casey as one of her shower presents! She remembered to bring it and we all took turns signing it! I think it’ll be a wonderful keepsake for Carter and is now totally my favorite baby gift to give 🙂

Casey and Jordan stayed at the hospital for two nights and I was supposed to be still on bed rest during that time period. I was proud of myself because I really didn’t over do it! I got out our big role of paper and let the kids make a Welcome Home sign to surprise them with! I also opted not to make them a dinner but instead did several different things that I knew they could eat for other meals. I feel like people always bring dinner and, while it’s a major blessing, you don’t really have stuff to eat at breakfast and lunch! Plus by making several different things I was able to spread out the cooking and baking so it wasn’t too much on me and the kids loved helping 🙂 Zach even helped out by making his famous chicken salad for them to snack on! 

Kye drew a picture of Carter on the sign!

We went by the dollar store and had some balloons and a ribbon for their mailbox! Gotta show off the new baby pride 😉 The kids also each picked out a little hand puppet to give him as a present once they were able to meet him that weekend (our hospital has a strict sibling-only policy for meeting new babies). 

Helping me make some cookies for the new parents!

They got home on Friday and we made plans to go visit on Saturday. We took all of our food and the kids gifts and were able to visit and love on Carter! The kids did exactly as I had expected…Kye was ALL ABOUT the baby and Britt wasn’t as interested. Seeing Kye with Carter since his birth makes me even more excited for Leo because Kye is so, so in love with Carter. I think Leo may be smothered in love!!! Britt has grown closer to Carter as well. She has named all of her baby dolls Carter and insists that our baby will also be named Carter. And the more she is around him, the better she does with loving on him too 🙂 I LOVE this video of when I first showed the kids a picture of Carter on my phone…Britt is SO cute and so excited 🙂 

She was crunk about watching him on the monitor!

Finally got that hair cut 😉

Seeing Zach with a new baby just makes my heart fill with love! I cannot WAIT to see him with ours soon 🙂 He is such a wonderful father and loves his babies so much!

I think Carter is truly so, so adorable. I just adore his million little chins, chubby cheeks, and his serious expression!

I have been so blessed with my relationship with Casey. We have only gotten closer and closer through the years and now that she’s a mother our bond has only grown stronger. I could not possibly be more PROUD of her! (Although I do want to hate her for looking SO AMAZING and being SO TINY right after birth…)

The Bacons!

It’s crazy that Carter is already 6 weeks old! Time has truly flown by so quickly since he has entered all of our lives. Casey and Jordan are phenomenal parents and Carter is truly an adorable, precious, wonderfully healthy baby boy! I know he’s ready to meet his BFF and so am I 😉

Emily Parker

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