BFBN Week: How To Correct Your Preteen

This week is our Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week. We will each be posting on a different day on a different Babywise related topic. Our theme for this week is non-sleep concepts from any of the “wise” series of books. Valerie, from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom, is kicking things off today with a post about how to correct your preteen.

I was SHOCKED to realize recently that KYE, my sweet BABY Kye, is actually in the “preteen” category. I’ve just recently purchased Preteen Wise and am excited for Valerie’s post!

She says: “Correction in the preteen years can be a fragile thing. Your relationship has started to shift. While you could declare your child do things “because you said so” in younger years, that isn’t the best approach in preteen years as you head to the teenage realm. You want to be teaching why. You are moving from leading your child to guiding, or training, your child. “

She includes 8 tips for correcting your pre-teen all of which I found extremely beneficial in dealing with our (gasp!) preteen in our home. Be sure to check out her post here!

This is our full schedule for the week! I’m excited to read all of these posts and will be sharing mine regarding teaching self-control on Friday! Wondering what exactly the Babywise Friendly Blog Network is? Here’s a post that covers who we are and what we’re all about 🙂 


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