2011 In Pictures

I love yearly traditions, even blogging ones πŸ™‚ You all know I have a HARD time editing down my pictures and I typically post way more than anyone probably really wants to see so this is a fun yearly challenge for myself. Pick one picture from each month of the year! Here’s 12 pictures that allow a look back to 2011:

January: Getting settled in our new home

 February: Family photo for our featured article in the paper

 March: Kye’s second birthday

 April: Announcing to the world that Kye was going to be a big brother!

May: Bermuda

 June: Beach trip with the Megow Family!

July: Celebrating the 4th in St Augustine

 August: Kye’s first day of school

 September: Our first family Disney vacation

October: Halloween

November: Cherishing time with Kye as my only child

December: Welcomed Brittlynn into the world and became a family of four!

I have done this same thing for a couple of years now…here is the post from 2010 and the one from 2009! It’s a fun way to look back on the past year. I remember being SHOCKED at how much Kye had changed during 2010. He still changed a lot in 2011 but not as much now that he’s getting older. It’ll be fun to see what changes will take place in 2012!


  1. Crissymegow
    January 20, 2012 / 12:37 pm

    awww, let's go to the beach NOW, like today πŸ™‚

  2. Robyn Mullican
    January 22, 2012 / 8:24 pm

    I can not get over how stink in' HANDSOME Kye looked on his first day of school! Β He's gonna be driving those girls crazy, FOR SURE!

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