Father’s Day 2011

After our awesome morning golfing (you can see ALL the pics here and here) we headed out for lunch. My original plan was to take Zach to a restaurant that I don’t like. You know how it is when you get married, you never get to go out to eat at places unless you both like it. I figured it’d be a fun treat for him to enjoy one of “his” spots. We ended up eating at Longhorn though b/c Zach was hardcore craving this sandwich they have there. Which worked good for me b/c I like Longhorn too!

Enjoying Lunch!

After lunch we had some time before Kye’s nap so we went over to the mall and let him play at the indoor playground for awhile. We don’t go there often to play, and Zach rarely goes so he enjoyed watching Kye in action. It’s especially fun to see him interact with the other children! Makes us excited for him to be a big brother.

During Kye’s nap Zach had a special treat! I felt bad that he didn’t participate in the massage I got for our anniversary so I got him a massage for Father’s Day 🙂 He LOVED it and came home very refreshed! Once Kye woke up from his nap we went ahead and opened presents. Kinda odd for us as we typically do gifts as one of the last events of a celebration day but I had my reasons! Isn’t that one an interesting shape?

We got him a framed picture of their golf outing last year

and a GREAT book by a Christian author called

52 Things Kids Need from a Dad

and then it was time to open the funky present 😉

“what the crap did you buy me?!?!”

I couldn’t wrap the whole thing so I wrapped one of the legs of a new basketball goal/volleyball net set I got him for the pool!

We opened presents right after nap so we could enjoy a family pool afternoon 🙂

Kye found this (VERY ugly) frog in the pool so we rescued him

I think Kye and I picked out a GREAT present!!!

Kye LOVED it so much he kept just star-fishing to Zach to get the ball from him. Look how he’s SMILING while doing his star fish (gotta love Tiny Bubbles!)

Proud Daddy!

Watch out for them skills

For dinner we had pizza and as a treat I went and picked it up so Zach didn’t have to 🙂 We had a GREAT day as a family and enjoyed spending “legit” Father’s Day with Zach’s dad. We went to church with them at Lakeland then enjoyed a family lunch together!

I LOVE the matching ties I got them for Christmas!!!

The are from My Favorite Pal

Couldn’t resist snapping a couple of family shots too!

1 Comment

  1. Crissymegow
    July 23, 2011 / 12:49 am

    mega cute family shot!

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